Sıra No |
Program Yeterlilikleri |
Katkı Düzeyi* |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
A computer engineer possesses fundamental applied and conceptual knowledge in the field of computer engineering. |
2 |
They utilize mathematics, natural sciences, and theoretical and applied knowledge in computer engineering to solve engineering problems. |
3 |
They identify current engineering problems in various application domains and provide feasible recommendations for their solution using computer systems. |
4 |
They perform analyses of software or hardware-based systems, components, and processes required for problem-solving and create optimal designs that meet specified requirements and constraints. |
5 |
They select and implement modern methods and tools necessary for engineering applications. |
6 |
Problemlerin çözümü için gerekli olan veriyi toplar ve işler, deneyler tasarlar, deneyleri gerçekleştirir ve sonuçlarını yorumlar. |
7 |
Mühendislik projelerinin yönetim süreçlerini bilir, proje için en uygun yönetim araçlarını ve proje yaşam döngüsünü seçer ve uygular. |
8 |
They code, test, operate, and maintain computer-based systems. |
9 |
They work effectively in interdisciplinary research and software development teams, both within and outside their own field. |
10 |
They keep up with current developments in computer engineering and related areas with a consciousness of the necessity of continuous professional development. |
11 |
They utilize Turkish and English fluently and effectively for tracking scientific and technical resources, presenting projects, and writing academic publications. |
12 |
They are aware of the legal consequences of information technology applications and the individual, corporate, social, and universal impacts. |
13 |
Geliştirdiği yazılım ve sistemlerde mesleki ve etik sorumluk bilinciyle hareket eder. |
14 |
They design and develop computer systems that will facilitate human life or increase comfort with analytical thinking skills. |
15 |
They possess awareness as an individual who is informed about current and historical events and can interpret them rationally and draw conclusions. |