Sıra No Program Çıktısı
1 Hemşirelik alanına özgü güncel kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgiye sahiptir.
1 Has up-to-date theoretical and applied knowledge specific to the field of nursing.
1 Has up-to-date theoretical and applied knowledge specific to the field of nursing.
1 Possesses up-to-date theoretical and practical knowledge specific to the field of nursing.
2 Has the knowledge and skills to access current scientific knowledge specific to the field of nursing and to evaluate the accuracy, validity, and reliability of this information.
2 Has the knowledge and skills to access scientific and current information specific to the field of nursing, and to evaluate the accuracy, validity and reliability of the information.
2 Has the knowledge and skills to access scientific and current information specific to the field of nursing, and to evaluate the accuracy, validity and reliability of the information.
2 Hemşirelik alanına özgü bilimsel ve güncel bilgiye ulaşabilme, bilginin doğruluğunu, geçerliğini ve güvenirliğini değerlendirebilme bilgi ve becerisine sahiptir.
3 Birey, aile ve topluma hemşirelik alanında kuramsal, kanıta dayalı ve uygulamalı bilgileri kullanarak, bütüncül ve sistematik bir yaklaşımla kültüre duyarlı hemşirelik bakımı verir, verdiği bakımın etkisini değerlendirir ve kaydeder.
3 Provides culturally sensitive nursing care to the individual, family and society with a holistic and systematic approach, using theoretical, evidence-based and applied knowledge in the field of nursing, evaluates and records the effect of the care given.
3 Provides culturally sensitive nursing care to the individual, family and society with a holistic and systematic approach, using theoretical, evidence-based and applied knowledge in the field of nursing, evaluates and records the effect of the care given.
3 Provides care to individuals, families, and communities using theoretical, evidence-based, and practical knowledge in nursing with a holistic and systematic approach aligned with the nursing process.
4 Utilizes information and care technologies in nursing education, practice, research, and management.
4 Uses information and care technologies in nursing education, practice, research and management.
4 Uses information and care technologies in nursing education, practice, research and management.
4 Hemşirelik eğitimi, uygulamaları, araştırmaları ve yönetiminde bilişim ve bakım teknolojilerini kullanır.
5 Hemşirelik eğitimi, uygulamaları, araştırmaları ve yönetiminde insan hakları ve onuruna saygı gösterir ve ilgili mevzuata, mesleki değerlere ve etik ilkelere uygun davranır.
5 Respects human rights and dignity in nursing education, practice, research and management and acts in accordance with relevant legislation, professional values ​​and ethical principles.
5 Respects human rights and dignity in nursing education, practice, research and management and acts in accordance with relevant legislation, professional values ​​and ethical principles.
5 Respects human rights and dignity in nursing education, practices, research, and management, and acts in accordance with relevant legislation, professional values, and ethical principles.
6 Collaborates with patients/healthy individuals, families, communities, healthcare team members, and other disciplines.
6 It works collaboratively with members of the healthcare team and other disciplines.
6 It works collaboratively with members of the healthcare team and other disciplines.
6 Sağlık ekibinin üyeleri ve diğer disiplinlerle işbirliği içinde çalışır.
7 Araştırmalarda yer alarak hemşireliğe özgü bilimsel bilgi üretme sorumluluğunu yerine getirir.
7 Fulfills the responsibility of producing scientific knowledge specific to nursing by taking part in research.
7 Fulfills the responsibility of producing scientific knowledge specific to nursing by taking part in research.
7 Takes responsibility in research to produce scientific knowledge specific to the field of nursing.
8 Takes initiative in activities that contribute to the development of nursing services and the nursing profession, leading innovation and change.
8 It leads innovation and change by taking responsibility in activities that will contribute to the development of nursing services and the nursing profession.
8 It leads innovation and change by taking responsibility in activities that will contribute to the development of nursing services and the nursing profession.
8 hizmetleri ve hemşirelik mesleğinin gelişimine katkı sağlayacak etkinliklerde sorumluluk alarak yenileşime ve değişime liderlik eder.
9 Güvenli ve kaliteli sağlık bakımının sağlanması ve geliştirilmesinde örgütsel yapı ve sistemlere liderlik eder.
9 Leads organizational structures and systems in the delivery and development of safe and quality health care.
9 Leads organizational structures and systems in the delivery and development of safe and quality health care.
9 Participates in intersectoral activities and social responsibility projects for the benefit of society.
10 Follows developments in the field and shares them with colleagues by using at least one foreign language.
10 Uses at least one foreign language at a level to reach scientific information and communicate effectively.
10 Uses at least one foreign language at a level to reach scientific information and communicate effectively.
10 Bilimsel bilgiye ulaşabilecek ve etkili iletişim kurabilecek düzeyde en az bir yabancı dili kullanır.
11 Kişisel ve mesleki gelişiminde yaşam boyu öğrenme yaklaşımını benimser.
11 She adopts a lifelong learning approach in her personal and professional development.
11 She adopts a lifelong learning approach in her personal and professional development.
11 Adopts a lifelong learning approach in personal and professional development.
12 With her professional identity, she sets an example for her colleagues and society.
12 With her professional identity, she sets an example for her colleagues and society.
12 Profesyonel kimliği ile meslektaşlarına ve topluma örnek olur.
13 Mesleki uygulamalarında eleştirel düşünme becerisini ve bilimsel sorun çözme yaklaşımını kullanır.
13 Uses critical thinking skills and scientific problem solving approach in professional practice.
13 Uses critical thinking skills and scientific problem solving approach in professional practice.