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Fizyoterapinin temel kavramlarını tanımlar. |
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Defines the basic concepts of physiotherapy.
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Defines the basic concepts of physiotherapy.
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Defines the basic concepts of physiotherapy.
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Its field describes related health problems, situations that limit the independence of the individual, and expresses the solution of clinical problems.
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Its field describes related health problems, situations that limit the independence of the individual, and expresses the solution of clinical problems.
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Its field describes related health problems, situations that limit the independence of the individual, and expresses the solution of clinical problems.
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Alanı ilgili sağlık sorunları, bireyin bağımsızlığını kısıtlayan durumları tanımlar ve klinik problemlerin çözümünü ifade eder. |
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Fizik tedavi hekimi ve/veya fizyoterapist eşliğinde elektroterapi uygulamaları yapar. |
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Performs electrotherapy applications with a physical therapy physician and/or physiotherapist.
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Performs electrotherapy applications with a physical therapy physician and/or physiotherapist.
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Performs electrotherapy applications with a physical therapy physician and/or physiotherapist.
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Takes responsibility individually and as a team member in physiotherapy practices, carries out independent and collective work.
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Takes responsibility individually and as a team member in physiotherapy practices, carries out independent and collective work.
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Takes responsibility individually and as a team member in physiotherapy practices, carries out independent and collective work.
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Fizyoterapi uygulamalarında bireysel ve ekip üyesi olarak sorumluluk alır, bağımsız ve kolektif çalışmayı yürütür. |
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Fizyoterapi alanında faaliyet gösteren özel ve kamu kuruluşlarında, görev alabilecek bilgi ve beceriyi ifade eder. |
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It refers to the knowledge and skills that can take part in private and public institutions operating in the field of physiotherapy.
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It refers to the knowledge and skills that can take part in private and public institutions operating in the field of physiotherapy.
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It refers to the knowledge and skills that can take part in private and public institutions operating in the field of physiotherapy.
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It offers the ability to search for resources, access information and use information resources correctly on professional issues.
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It offers the ability to search for resources, access information and use information resources correctly on professional issues.
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It offers the ability to search for resources, access information and use information resources correctly on professional issues.
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Mesleki konularda kaynak araştırma, bilgiye erişme ve bilgi kaynaklarını doğru kullanabilme yeteneği sunar. |
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Temel tıp bilimlerini tanımlar, temel anatomi ve temel fizyoloji bilgisini ifade eder. |
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Defines basic medical sciences, expresses basic anatomy and basic physiology knowledge.
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Defines basic medical sciences, expresses basic anatomy and basic physiology knowledge.
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Defines basic medical sciences, expresses basic anatomy and basic physiology knowledge.
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Explain the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system.
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Explain the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system.
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Explain the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system.
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Kas- iskelet sistemi anatomisini açıklar. |
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Temel fizik tedavi uygulamaları becerisi gösterir. |
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Demonstrates basic physical therapy practice skills.
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Demonstrates basic physical therapy practice skills.
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Demonstrates basic physical therapy practice skills.
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Defines the basic concepts of health, provides the ability to apply basic health practices.
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Defines the basic concepts of health, provides the ability to apply basic health practices.
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Defines the basic concepts of health, provides the ability to apply basic health practices.
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Sağlığın temel kavramlarını tanımlar, temel sağlık uygulamalarını uygulama becerisi sunar. |
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Meslek hayatında gerektiğinde ilgili kişi ve/veya kurumları bilgilendirebilme, düşüncelerini ve çözüm önerilerini yazılı, sözlü olarak aktarabilme yeteneği sunar. |
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Provides the ability to inform relevant persons and / or institutions when necessary in her professional life, and to convey her thoughts and solution proposals in writing and orally. |
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Provides the ability to inform relevant persons and / or institutions when necessary in her professional life, and to convey her thoughts and solution proposals in writing and orally. |
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Provides the ability to inform relevant persons and / or institutions when necessary in her professional life, and to convey her thoughts and solution proposals in writing and orally. |
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It collects, analyzes and reports the data of the individuals it serves, and offers solutions to combat any problems that may arise.
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It collects, analyzes and reports the data of the individuals it serves, and offers solutions to combat any problems that may arise.
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It collects, analyzes and reports the data of the individuals it serves, and offers solutions to combat any problems that may arise.
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Hizmet verdiği bireylere ait verileri toplar, analiz eder, raporlar ve ortaya çıkabilecek her türlü sorunla mücadeleye yönelik çözüm önerileri sunar. |