Sıra No Program Çıktısı
1 Anestezi alanındaki uygulamaları içeren ders notları, uygulama araç-gereçleri ve görsel ve nesnel kaynaklarla desteklenen temel düzeydeki kuramsal ve uygulamalı derslerden edindiği bilgileri mesleki olarak değerlendirir ve uygular.
1 Evaluates and applies the knowledge gained from basic theoretical and practical courses supported by lecture notes, application tools and visual and objective resources, including applications in the field of anesthesia, professionally.
1 Evaluates and applies the knowledge gained from basic theoretical and practical courses supported by lecture notes, application tools and visual and objective resources, including applications in the field of anesthesia, professionally.
1 Evaluates and applies the knowledge gained from basic theoretical and practical courses supported by lecture notes, application tools and visual and objective resources, including applications in the field of anesthesia, professionally.
2 Performs all steps of general anesthesia application, recognizes and intervenes complications that may develop.
2 Performs all steps of general anesthesia application, recognizes and intervenes complications that may develop.
2 Performs all steps of general anesthesia application, recognizes and intervenes complications that may develop.
2 Genel anestezi uygulamasının tüm basamaklarını gerçekleştirir, gelişebilecek komplikasyonları tanır ve müdahale eder.
3 Moniterize hasta bakımı, sedo/analjezi uygulamaları, ameliyathane dışı anestezi uygulamalarında standart donanım, hasta hazırlığı ve takibinde yer alır.
3 Monitored patient care, sedo/analgesia applications, standard equipment in non-operating room anesthesia applications are included in patient preparation and follow-up.
3 Monitored patient care, sedo/analgesia applications, standard equipment in non-operating room anesthesia applications are included in patient preparation and follow-up.
3 Monitored patient care, sedo/analgesia applications, standard equipment in non-operating room anesthesia applications are included in patient preparation and follow-up.
4 It is aware of the fact that the patient's vital functions are monitored and records are taken with anesthesia forms during the anesthesia applications and regularly records them.
4 It is aware of the fact that the patient's vital functions are monitored and records are taken with anesthesia forms during the anesthesia applications and regularly records them.
4 It is aware of the fact that the patient's vital functions are monitored and records are taken with anesthesia forms during the anesthesia applications and regularly records them.
4 Anestezi uygulamaları süresince hastanın vital fonksiyonlarının takibi ve kayıtlarının anestezi formları ile alınmasının bilincindedir ve düzenli olarak kayıt alır
5 Anestezi alanında görevli bir birey olarak görev hak ve sorumlulukları ile ilgili yasa, yönetmelik ve mevzuata uygun hareket eder, ekip çalışmasının sorumluluk bilincinde etik değerlere uyar.
5 As an individual working in the field of anesthesia, she acts in accordance with the laws, regulations and legislation related to her duties, rights and responsibilities, and abides by ethical values with the responsibility of teamwork.
5 As an individual working in the field of anesthesia, she acts in accordance with the laws, regulations and legislation related to her duties, rights and responsibilities, and abides by ethical values with the responsibility of teamwork.
5 As an individual working in the field of anesthesia, she acts in accordance with the laws, regulations and legislation related to her duties, rights and responsibilities, and abides by ethical values with the responsibility of teamwork.
6 Performs patient evaluation, material and drug preparation and monitoring before the application of anesthesia.
6 Performs patient evaluation, material and drug preparation and monitoring before the application of anesthesia.
6 Performs patient evaluation, material and drug preparation and monitoring before the application of anesthesia.
6 Anestezi uygulaması öncesi hasta değerlendirme, malzeme ve ilaç hazırlığı ve monitorizasyonu gerçekleştirme işlemlerini yapar.
7 Meslek alanındaki tıbbi terminolojiyi doğru kullanır.
7 Uses the medical terminology in the field of profession correctly.
7 Uses the medical terminology in the field of profession correctly.
7 Uses the medical terminology in the field of profession correctly.
8 Performs safe anesthetic and analgesic applications in the presence of the patient's co-morbidities and in specific types of surgery.
8 Performs safe anesthetic and analgesic applications in the presence of the patient's co-morbidities and in specific types of surgery.
8 Performs safe anesthetic and analgesic applications in the presence of the patient's co-morbidities and in specific types of surgery.
8 Hastanın yandaş hastalıklarının varlığında ve özellikli ameliyat türlerinde güvenli anestezik ve analjezik uygulamaları gerçekleştirir.
9 Anestezi ve analjezi uygulamalarında kullanılan cihaz ve ekipmanların kontrolü, korunması, bakımı, kullanıma hazırlanması ve kullanımını gerçekleştirir.
9 Performs the control, protection, maintenance, preparation for use and use of devices and equipment used in anesthesia and analgesia applications.
9 Performs the control, protection, maintenance, preparation for use and use of devices and equipment used in anesthesia and analgesia applications.
9 Performs the control, protection, maintenance, preparation for use and use of devices and equipment used in anesthesia and analgesia applications.
10 Demonstrates awareness, approach and application skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
10 Demonstrates awareness, approach and application skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
10 Demonstrates awareness, approach and application skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
10 Kardiyopulmoner resüsitasyonda farkındalık, yaklaşım ve uygulama becerisini gösterir.
11 Derlenme odasında hastanın tüm hayati fonksiyonlarının değerlendirilmesi ve yoğun bakım veya hasta odasına nakline kadar geçen süreçte hasta güvenliğinin sağlar.
11 It ensures patient safety in the recovery room, from the evaluation of all vital functions of the patient to the transfer to the intensive care or patient room.
11 It ensures patient safety in the recovery room, from the evaluation of all vital functions of the patient to the transfer to the intensive care or patient room.
11 It ensures patient safety in the recovery room, from the evaluation of all vital functions of the patient to the transfer to the intensive care or patient room.
12 Comprehends the basic knowledge in the fields of human anatomy and physiology, basic pathology and relates the acquired knowledge to the profession.
12 Comprehends the basic knowledge in the fields of human anatomy and physiology, basic pathology and relates the acquired knowledge to the profession.
12 Comprehends the basic knowledge in the fields of human anatomy and physiology, basic pathology and relates the acquired knowledge to the profession.
12 İnsan anatomisi ve fizyolojisi, temel pataloji alanlarında temel bilgileri kavrar ve edindiği bilgileri mesleğiyle ilişkilendirir .
13 Türkçe ve yabancı dil bilgisini kavrar, ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde mesleki gelişmeleri analiz eder ve yorumlar
13 Comprehends Turkish and foreign language knowledge, analyzes and interprets professional developments at national and international level.
13 Comprehends Turkish and foreign language knowledge, analyzes and interprets professional developments at national and international level.
13 Comprehends Turkish and foreign language knowledge, analyzes and interprets professional developments at national and international level.
14 Be able to act in accordance with the relevant ethical and basic legal responsibilities in the field of profession.
14 Be able to act in accordance with the relevant ethical and basic legal responsibilities in the field of profession.
14 Be able to act in accordance with the relevant ethical and basic legal responsibilities in the field of profession.
14 Meslek alanında ilgili etik ve temel yasal sorumluluklara uygun davranabilir.
15 Alanı ile ilgili bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlikleri yaşam boyu öğrenme bilinciyle güncelleyip kendini kişisel ve mesleki olarak geliştirmek için gerekli programlara, mesleki hizmet içi eğitim faaliyetlerine ve diğer çalışmalara katılır.