Sıra No Program Çıktısı
1 Tıbbi Laboratuvarlarda kullanılan cihazları tanır, bunların bakım ve kontrollerini yapar, cihaz kullanımında ve laboratuvar uygulamalarında kalite prensiplerini benimser.
1 Recognizes the devices used in Medical Laboratories, makes their maintenance and controls, adopts quality principles in device use and laboratory applications.
1 Recognizes the devices used in Medical Laboratories, makes their maintenance and controls, adopts quality principles in device use and laboratory applications.
2 Recognizes the human body physiologically, anatomically and hormonally by associating the cell, tissue, organ and hormone structure which is the basis of the body.
2 Recognizes the human body physiologically, anatomically and hormonally by associating the cell, tissue, organ and hormone structure which is the basis of the body.
2 Vücudun temeli olan hücre, doku, organ ve hormon yapısını ilişkilendirip fizyolojik, anatomik ve hormonal olarak insan vücudunu tanır.
3 Kimyasal analiz laboratuvarlarını tanıyıp, enstrümantal cihazların çalışma prensiplerini uygular ve laboratuvar akreditasyonu ile ilgili dokümanları hazırlarken, bilgisayar becerilerini etkin bir şekilde kullanır.
3 Knows chemical analysis laboratories, applies the working principles of instrumental devices and uses computer skills effectively while preparing documents related to laboratory accreditation.
3 Knows chemical analysis laboratories, applies the working principles of instrumental devices and uses computer skills effectively while preparing documents related to laboratory accreditation.
4 Knows the working principles of forensic science laboratories and carries out various analyzes .
4 Knows the working principles of forensic science laboratories and carries out various analyzes .
4 Adli bilimler laboratuvarlarının çalışma prensiplerini bilerek çeşitli analizleri yürütür .
5 Moleküler biyolojik ve genetik teknikleri kavrayarak, bu tekniklerin uygulamasını yapar.
5 Comprehends molecular biological and genetic techniques and applies these techniques.
5 Comprehends molecular biological and genetic techniques and applies these techniques.
6 Classifies parasites and expresses ways of protection from parasites.
6 Classifies parasites and expresses ways of protection from parasites.
6 Parazitleri sınıflandırır ve parazitlerden korunma yollarını ifade eder.
7 Temel mikrobiyoloji, Gıda, su mikrobiyolojisi ve klinik mikrobiyoloji tekniklerini kavrayarak bu laboratuvarlarda gerekli uygulama ve tahlilleri yapar.
7 Understands basic microbiology, food, water microbiology and clinical microbiology techniques and makes necessary applications and analyzes in these laboratories.
7 Understands basic microbiology, food, water microbiology and clinical microbiology techniques and makes necessary applications and analyzes in these laboratories.
8 Communicates effectively with patients by obeying Turkish and foreign language rules.
8 Communicates effectively with patients by obeying Turkish and foreign language rules.
8 Türk dili ve yabancı dil kurallarına uyarak hastalar ile etkin iletişim kurar.
9 İleri mesleki derslerinde biyoloji, kimya, biyokimya, hematoloji ve immunoloji gibi temel bilimleri aktif olarak kullanır.
9 Actively uses basic sciences such as biology, chemistry, biochemistry, hematology and immunology in advanced vocational courses.
9 Actively uses basic sciences such as biology, chemistry, biochemistry, hematology and immunology in advanced vocational courses.
10 He is well-equipped in biosafety and occupational safety in the laboratory and actively uses what he knows in the application areas.
10 He is well-equipped in biosafety and occupational safety in the laboratory and actively uses what he knows in the application areas.
10 Laboratuvarda biyogüvenlik ve iş güvenliği konularında donanımlı olup, uygulama alanlarında bildiklerini aktif olarak kullanır.
11 Hasta psikolojisini iyi bileceğinden, empati yeteneğini geliştirir ve hasta ile çalışanın hukuki hak ve sorumluluklarını, uygun mevzuatı takip ederek, yorumlar.
11 Since she knows the psychology of the patient well, she develops her empathy skills and interprets the legal rights and responsibilities of the patient and the employee by following the appropriate legislation.
11 Since she knows the psychology of the patient well, she develops her empathy skills and interprets the legal rights and responsibilities of the patient and the employee by following the appropriate legislation.
12 Understands the history and cultural values of her country.
12 Understands the history and cultural values of her country.
12 Ülkesinin tarihini ve kültürel değerlerini kavrar.