Sıra No Program Çıktısı
1 Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon ile ilgili konularda yeterli bilgi birikimi; bu alanlardaki kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgileri klinik problemleri çözme amaçlı uygulayabilme becerisi kazanır
1 Implements the physiotherapy and rehabilitation program systematically and safely, in accordance with ethical principles and values, by considering the universality of basic values ​​and social rights, using the advanced knowledge and skills it has acquired; terminates or changes as necessary.
1 In order to fulfill her professional roles and functions, she knows all the necessary theoretical and practical concepts and principles related to the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation and uses these to make the necessary evaluation, definition and planning for physiotherapy and rehabilitation practices.
2 Edindiği ileri düzeydeki bilgi ve becerileri kullanarak fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon programını sistematik ve güvenli olarak etik ilke ve değerlere uygun şekilde, temel değer ve sosyal hakların evrenselliğini gözeterek uygular; gerektiği durumda sonlandırır veya değiştirir.
2 It embraces personal development, information literacy and lifelong learning; contributes to quality improvement, training and promotion programs related to the field, and demonstrates its professional behavior at an international level.
2 It embraces personal development, information literacy and lifelong learning; contributes to quality improvement, training and promotion programs related to the field, and demonstrates its professional behavior at an international level.
2 Fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyona alanına özgü temel ölçme, değerlendirme ve tedavi tekniklerine yönelik bilimsel gelişmeleri takip eder edindiği bilgileri mesleki ve akademik çalışmalarında kullanır
3 Fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon alanında araştırma planlar, projelerde görev alır ve sonuçlarını yorumlar, raporunu yazar, toplantılarda sunar veya yayınlar
3 Defines evidence-based practices and determines problem solving methods in cases requiring physiotherapy and rehabilitation, using relevant models and theories in health protection, development and care.
3 Defines evidence-based practices and determines problem solving methods in cases requiring physiotherapy and rehabilitation, using relevant models and theories in health protection, development and care.
4 Using her professional knowledge, she carries out professional and academic studies independently and works as a team member and assumes responsibility in effective communication and cooperation with other professional groups working in this field.(dişil)
4 Using her professional knowledge, she carries out professional and academic studies independently and works as a team member and assumes responsibility in effective communication and cooperation with other professional groups working in this field.(dişil)
4 Fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon alanı ile özel uygulama ve araştırmaları etik değerleri gözeterek bağımsız olarak yürütür, mesleki bilgi ve becerileriyle sorumluluklarını grup çalışmasına aktarır
5 She has training and consultancy skills for the health education needs of the individual, family and society.
5 She has training and consultancy skills for the health education needs of the individual, family and society.
6 Takes initiatives to protect public health; contributes to the production of health policies suitable for the changing and diversifying needs of the society in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
6 Takes initiatives to protect public health; contributes to the production of health policies suitable for the changing and diversifying needs of the society in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
6 Fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon alanındaki kuramsal ve uygulamalı kavram ve prensipleri kullanarak farklı disiplin alanlarından gelen bilgileri eleştirisel yaklaşımla değerlendirir ve bütünleştirir, yeni bilgiler oluşturur, problem çözme ve klinik karar verme becerisine ulaşır
7 Toplum sağlığına ve sağlık politikalarına katkıda bulunur, eğitim, koruyucu ve rehabilitatif yaklaşımlar hakkında birey, aile ve toplumu bilinçlendirir
7 Has up-to-date and effective communication skills.
7 Has up-to-date and effective communication skills.
8 She has the ability to use health informatics technologies effectively, along with the ability to select and use modern tools, techniques and modalities required for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation applications.
8 She has the ability to use health informatics technologies effectively, along with the ability to select and use modern tools, techniques and modalities required for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation applications.
8 Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon alanında kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgileri klinik çözümler için beraber kullanır
9 Fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon ile ilgili mevzuata (yasa, yönetmelik, yönerge) ve mesleki etik değerlere uygun hareket eder
9 Performs literature searches on databases and information resources for health sciences; has the ability to access and use information, keeps records and prepares reports for quality service and research in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation; participates in all phases of research and project implementation.
9 Performs literature searches on databases and information resources for health sciences; has the ability to access and use information, keeps records and prepares reports for quality service and research in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation; participates in all phases of research and project implementation.
10 Using at least one foreign language, he/she follows the information in his/her field and communicates and cooperates with his colleagues at an international level.
10 Using at least one foreign language, he/she follows the information in his/her field and communicates and cooperates with his colleagues at an international level.
10 Fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon konularında bir makaleyi ulusal ya da uluslararası kongrelerde sunar ve bir dergide yayınlar
11 With her contemporary and professional identity, she is a role model to her colleagues and an example to the society in which she lives.
11 With her contemporary and professional identity, she is a role model to her colleagues and an example to the society in which she lives.
12 Using the advanced knowledge and skills he has acquired, he applies the physiotherapy and rehabilitation program systematically and safely, in accordance with ethical principles and values, taking into account the universality of fundamental values ​​and social rights; terminates or changes when necessary.