Sıra No Program Çıktısı
1 İşitme kaybı ve denge bozukluğu hastalarının tanısında bilimsel yöntemleri bilir ve yetkisi dahilinde olanları uygular, gerektiğinde hastaya tedavi ve rehabilitasyon konusunda danışmanlık yapar.
1 She knows scientific methods in the diagnosis of hearing loss and balance disorder patients and applies what is within her authority, and counsels the patient on treatment and rehabilitation when necessary.
1 She knows scientific methods in the diagnosis of hearing loss and balance disorder patients and applies what is within her authority, and counsels the patient on treatment and rehabilitation when necessary.
2 Performs subjective and objective tests required for the diagnosis of hearing and balance disorders of the Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) services within its authority.
2 Performs subjective and objective tests required for the diagnosis of hearing and balance disorders of the Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) services within its authority.
2 Kulak Burun Boğaz (KBB) servislerinin işitme ve denge bozuklukları hastalarının tanısında gerekli olan sübjektif ve objektif testleri yetkisi dahilinde uygular.
3 İşitme kayıplı hastalara tedavi ve rehabilitasyon için yardımcı işitme cihazları ve koklea implant gibi seçenekler sunar, işitme cihazlarını hastaya uyarlar.
3 It offers options such as assistive hearing aids and cochlea implants for treatment and rehabilitation to patients with hearing loss, and adapts hearing aids to the patient.
3 It offers options such as assistive hearing aids and cochlea implants for treatment and rehabilitation to patients with hearing loss, and adapts hearing aids to the patient.
4 Gains information about speech disorders and therapy related to hearing loss and provides counseling on this subject when necessary.
4 Gains information about speech disorders and therapy related to hearing loss and provides counseling on this subject when necessary.
4 İşitme kaybına bağlı konuşma bozuklukları ve terapisi hakkında bilgi sahibi olur ve gerektiğinde bu konuda danışmanlık yapar.
5 Kulağın yapı ve işlevinin beyin ile ilişkisini kurar; sesin oluşumu, kulakta sesin çevrimi ve beyinde değerlendirilmesi sürecini yorumlar.
5 Establishes the relationship between the structure and function of the ear and the brain; interprets the process of sound formation, sound conversion in the ear and evaluation in the brain.
5 Establishes the relationship between the structure and function of the ear and the brain; interprets the process of sound formation, sound conversion in the ear and evaluation in the brain.
6 Recognizes, applies and interprets the necessary hearing tests in newborns and children in the Ministry of Health screening program.
6 Recognizes, applies and interprets the necessary hearing tests in newborns and children in the Ministry of Health screening program.
6 Sağlık bakanlığı tarama programındaki yeni doğan ve çocuklarda gerekli işitme testlerini tanır, uygular ve yorumlar.
7 İşitme cihazı satışı, bakım-onarımı ve uygulamasından ve merkezin faaliyetlerinden sorumludur.
7 She is responsible for the sale, maintenance-repair and application of hearing aids and the activities of the center.
7 She is responsible for the sale, maintenance-repair and application of hearing aids and the activities of the center.
8 In addition to gaining professional knowledge and skills, they communicate effectively with the patient, work in harmony within the team, notice and solve problems.
8 In addition to gaining professional knowledge and skills, they communicate effectively with the patient, work in harmony within the team, notice and solve problems.
8 Mesleki bilgi ve beceri kazanmalarının yanı sıra, hasta ile etkin iletişim kurar, ekip içerisinde uyumlu çalışır, sorunları fark eder ve çözer.
9 Türkçe ve yabancı dil bilgisini kavrar, ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde mesleki gelişmeleri değerlendirir ve karşılaştırır.
9 Comprehends Turkish and foreign language knowledge, evaluates and compares professional developments at national and international level.
9 Comprehends Turkish and foreign language knowledge, evaluates and compares professional developments at national and international level.
10 Gains the awareness of quality, business ethics and social responsibility, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, social rights and social justice and applies it in the places where it works.
10 Gains the awareness of quality, business ethics and social responsibility, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, social rights and social justice and applies it in the places where it works.
10 Kalite, iş etiği ve sosyal sorumluluk, çevre koruma, iş sağlığı ve güvenliği, sosyal haklar ve sosyal adalet bilincini kazanır ve görev aldığı yerlerde uygular.
11 İşyerinde yeni bir sistem kurulması veya makine ya da cihaz alınması halinde kurulacak sistem veya alınacak makine ile ilgili olarak risk değerlendirmesi yapar, sağlık ve güvenlik yönünden aranan özellikleri belirler bu özelliklere uygun sistemini kurar.
11 In case a new system is installed in the workplace or a machine or device is purchased, it makes a risk assessment regarding the system to be installed or the machine to be purchased, determines the required features in terms of health and safety, and establishes a system suitable for these features.
11 In case a new system is installed in the workplace or a machine or device is purchased, it makes a risk assessment regarding the system to be installed or the machine to be purchased, determines the required features in terms of health and safety, and establishes a system suitable for these features.
12 She takes part in meetings such as seminars, congresses, conferences, symposiums or social responsibility projects on the field of audiometry and her studies, practices and social experiences with disciplines close to this field.
12 She takes part in meetings such as seminars, congresses, conferences, symposiums or social responsibility projects on the field of audiometry and her studies, practices and social experiences with disciplines close to this field.
12 Odyometri alanı ve bu alana yakın disiplinlerle yaptığı çalışmalar, uygulamalar ve sosyal deneyimler üzerine seminer, kongre, konferans, sempozyum gibi toplantılarda veya sosyal sorumluluk projelerinde yer alır.