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Dünyada ve Türkiye’de çocuk eğitimine katkıda bulunur. |
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Have the skills to fulfill the professional requirements of the profession in the field of child development and education.
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Have the skills to fulfill the professional requirements of the profession in the field of child development and education.
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Have the skills to fulfill the professional requirements of the profession in the field of child development and education.
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Applies appropriate teaching strategies, methods, activities and techniques, taking into account the developmental characteristics and individual differences of children.
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Applies appropriate teaching strategies, methods, activities and techniques, taking into account the developmental characteristics and individual differences of children.
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Applies appropriate teaching strategies, methods, activities and techniques, taking into account the developmental characteristics and individual differences of children.
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Gelişim alanlarının temel ve önemli kavramlarını açıklar. |
3 |
Normal gelişim gösteren ve özel gereksinim gösteren çocukların gelişim ve öğrenme özelliklerini karşılaştırır. |
3 |
Recognizes the relationship between society, family and child and has the ability to communicate effectively with the child.
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Recognizes the relationship between society, family and child and has the ability to communicate effectively with the child.
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Recognizes the relationship between society, family and child and has the ability to communicate effectively with the child.
4 |
Have the ability to plan and implement drama, play, music and animation activities.
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Have the ability to plan and implement drama, play, music and animation activities.
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Have the ability to plan and implement drama, play, music and animation activities.
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Toplum, aile ve çocuk ilişkisini tanımak; çocukla etkili iletişim kurabilmek. |
5 |
Çocuklarla ilgili kuruluşları ayırt eder. |
5 |
Knowledge and ability to ensure the rights and protection of the child's rights
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Knowledge and ability to ensure the rights and protection of the child's rights
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Knowledge and ability to ensure the rights and protection of the child's rights
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Prepares educational materials supporting the developmental areas (physical, cognitive, language, social-emotional, sensory development areas) of children in pre-school education institutions and special education institutions and organizes educational environments.
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Prepares educational materials supporting the developmental areas (physical, cognitive, language, social-emotional, sensory development areas) of children in pre-school education institutions and special education institutions and organizes educational environments.
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Prepares educational materials supporting the developmental areas (physical, cognitive, language, social-emotional, sensory development areas) of children in pre-school education institutions and special education institutions and organizes educational environments.
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Öğrencinin gereksinimlerine uygun eğitim yaklaşımını benimser. |
7 |
Çocuk gelişimcinin rolüne uygun davranır. |
7 |
In the field of child development, she has the skills to produce different solutions to problem situations for typical and atypical children with an evidence-based approach.
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In the field of child development, she has the skills to produce different solutions to problem situations for typical and atypical children with an evidence-based approach.
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In the field of child development, she has the skills to produce different solutions to problem situations for typical and atypical children with an evidence-based approach.
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Have the skills to apply science and technology education in children
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Have the skills to apply science and technology education in children
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Have the skills to apply science and technology education in children
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Yaşam boyu öğrenmeye ilişkin tutum geliştirir |
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Çocukların eğitimi ile ilgili diğer bilim alanları arasında bağlantı kurar. |
9 |
Have the skills to plan and implement in the daily education flow in the Pre-School Education program.
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Have the skills to plan and implement in the daily education flow in the Pre-School Education program.
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Have the skills to plan and implement in the daily education flow in the Pre-School Education program.
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To have knowledge and skills about family education
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To have knowledge and skills about family education
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To have knowledge and skills about family education
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Alanıyla ilgili bilimsel çalışmaları takip eder |
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Okul dışı öğrenme ortamlarını bilir. |
11 |
Develops the ability to explore research methods, explore and produce alternative solutions.
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Develops the ability to explore research methods, explore and produce alternative solutions.
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Develops the ability to explore research methods, explore and produce alternative solutions.
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It acts in accordance with social, scientific, cultural, legal and ethical values in its field.
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It acts in accordance with social, scientific, cultural, legal and ethical values in its field.
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It acts in accordance with social, scientific, cultural, legal and ethical values in its field.
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Çocuk ve aile ilişkisine önem verir. |